Decorative, Landscaping, Building Stone


See how our Landscape Supplies Create Gorgeous Properties

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Vining Stone finds the most unique and stunning landscape supplies to enhance your residential & commercial property. If you’re not sure what you need or how much to order, our experienced staff will be glad to help.

4 Great Outdoor Living Features to Invest In

Are you looking for interesting ways to boost your home’s curb appeal? Maybe you’re looking to add more value or different ways to enjoy the space around your home. Investing in outdoor living features is a great way to do all of the above and more. Better yet, incorporating natural stone veneers will make the […]

3 Benefits of Using Natural Stone Veneer Siding on Your Home

As a homeowner, your home’s curb appeal is a vital feature to invest both your time and resources into. There are numerous ways to go about it and some ways are better than others. In fact, your home’s siding is one of the smartest components for you to replace, update, or maintain. Even then, there […]

DIY and Commercial Projects

DIY and Commercial Projects Sign up for our newsletters!We will have regular news and other exciting things coming your way!Get the latest exclusive ideas, deals and news offered by us! When you sign up you will get info about our new membership features to be launched this spring/summer! {{ vc_btn: link=url%3A%2523popmake-2177%7C%7C%7C&title=Get+exclusive+offers%21&style=outline&gradient_color_1=turquoise&gradient_color_2=blue&gradient_custom_color_1=%23dd3333&gradient_custom_color_2=%23eeee22&gradient_text_color=%23ffffff&custom_background=%23ededed&custom_text=%23666&outline_custom_color=%23666&outline_custom_hover_background=%23666&outline_custom_hover_text=%23fff&shape=rounded&color=white&size=lg&align=center&add_icon=true&i_align=left&i_type=fontawesome&i_icon_fontawesome=fa+fa-bullhorn&i_icon_openiconic=vc-oi+vc-oi-dial&i_icon_typicons=typcn+typcn-adjust-brightness&i_icon_entypo=entypo-icon+entypo-icon-note&i_icon_linecons=vc_li+vc_li-heart&i_icon_monosocial=vc-mono+vc-mono-fivehundredpx&i_icon_material=vc-material+vc-material-cake&i_icon_pixelicons=vc_pixel_icon+vc_pixel_icon-alert&css_animation=lightSpeedIn }}

Waterfall Project

The sky is really the limit with what you can do! From supplying your mulch for your home DIY project to an extravagant outdoor living and entertainment space, we at Vining Stone in Sharpsburg have the products for you! Sign up for our newsletters!We will have regular news and other exciting things coming your way!Get [...]

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