Landscaping Products Info Guide
Vining Stone carries different landscaping products, materials, masonry products and supplies for your DIY or quick home project.
Below we will explain different types of landscaping products you will need depending on what you are looking for.
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Landscape Materials
There are so many different types of landscaping products and materials to choose from. The choice can be overwhelming. Not only for color coordination, aesthetics but also safety is needed to be taken into consideration.
Bio Ground Cover
Bio ground cover has great purposes. They give a finished look to your garden. Not only that, they protect your plants from the cold and drying out during drought.
Rock Ground Cover
Rock ground cover has many advantages; with the biggest being weed control. Now don’t get this wrong. Weeds always will find a way through the cracks and crevices; especially when pollen season hits in the spring time.
Yard Solutions
There are many different issues that arise from problem areas in your yard.Below we will address the two biggest hurdles, homeowners and contractors face and how to fix them.
Erosion and Weed Control
We all don’t like weeds. They get into hidden places and then suddenly sprout into view. We have weed control products that can help with that! Same with having to keep your yard sliding into the street during a heavy rainstorm while it is either under construction or you have a steep incline.
Puddling and Flooding In the Yard
The number one complaint people have about water is the when their yard turns into a lake. Nothing can really grow and you are looking at a muddy mess. Even worse, your foundation could get compromised. We’ve even seen it where water has flooded into a house and the results were devastating. Here are products for your yard drainage solutions.
French Drain Products
Drainage Systems
Building Supplies
Working on your house is rewarding….once it is finished and can be enjoyed. In the meantime, we need to make sure the process is as painless as possible. Vining Stone can help you choose the right landscaping products.
Good old Masonry
We don’t generally view masonry as a necessity until.. you want to build a wall, your firepit, stone patio, or add veneer to your house for an upscale natural stone finish. This basic but very important step just cannot be overlooked.
Dimensional Cut Stone
Cutting stone into tile can be used for patios, as stairs, finishing your rock wall. There are different thicknesses, colors and sizes. Vining Stone offers a wide selection of dimensional cut stone to choose from.
Stone veneer can be applied to your home or any structure inside and out. People opt for this material as siding and love to have a statement piece inside to enjoy!
Outdoor Living
Outdoor fireplaces, firepits , pools patios and outdoor kitchens will be easy to build with our product lines. Some product lines overlap including the use of all veneer products for our outdoor living projects.
Concrete Pavers/Blocks
Fireplace & Kitchen Kits
Patio & Pool Deck Pavers